Deb Muscatell joined AMBRO Manufacturing in 2011. Her favorite color is Purple and she works on data entry, invoicing, order tracking, payables, orders and custom service.
Deb’s sign is Cancer and her favorite food is anything that lived in the ocean or a lake. After polishing off a nice Lobster tail of Salmon filet, she doesn’t mind eating a nice slice of triple chocolate meltdown.
Deb is married and has 2 sons. She was originally from Western, Pennsylvania but now resides in Flemington where she likes to keep in touch with her family that is all over the world.
Deb’s favorite pass-time is being a green thumb. When she’s not working or gardening, she enjoys: Reading, Sports and Travel.
Her least favorite things to do are budgeting money for bills and grocery shopping. She doesn’t have aspirations to be a superhero, but she does enjoy the guilty pleasure of all things chocolate.
Her three favorite television shows are: NCIS, American Pickers and Mythbusters. When she grew up she wanted to be an interior decorator and her worst peeve is when people are being fake. Deb’s beverage of choice is a nice glass of white wine.
If Deb won the lottery she would donate money to charitable organizations, set up tax shelters and remodel her entire house.
If Deb were going to make her own T-Shirt slogan it would say “I reserve the right to reject your idea of reality.”
You can reach Deb at (908) 806-8337 or DebMuscatell [at]