Custom Printed Bandanas Made In USA
AMBRO Manufacturing is a USA Manufacturer in Flemington, NJ. We manufacture Custom Printed Bandanas Made In USA, Knit Beanies and Knit Scarfs. Like, we really manufacture them from scratch. I point that out because it’s rare these days to find a company in the United States that actually makes something. A lot of other companies that promote Custom Printed Bandanas Made In USA are actually screen printers that are purchasing bandanas from distributors that import bandanas from China. I’m not suggesting that the business model of importing and decorating is bad, it’s fine. There are just some limitations to doing business that way.
Let’s discuss them.
#1. Bandanas that are imported from China are just not square. A lot of manufacturing in China is still done by hand. Chinese labor costs are low and rather than buying machinery that offers consistent output, companies will often hire people to do that work. Hiring people is awesome! But the quality control of those workers is low, and as a result, bandanas from China are often not square.
#2. The fabric from China is of lower quality. While many fine goods come out of China, more often than not, Chinese manufacturers are trying to hit a price point. When instructions from customers are “do it as cheap as possible” or “I can’t pay more than $.25 for them”, the end result is a lower quality and light weight fabric. It’s possible a low end, “promo grade” bandana is exactly what you need, but we’ve found that most of the time, the tissue paper thin imports from China are of unacceptable quality.
#3. It takes a long time to get them. While many US distributors warehouse bandanas from China and can ship them when you need them, they can’t always control their stock levels. You may experience lengthy delays in getting the bandanas that you need for your event.
In contrast to imported bandanas from China our Custom Printed Bandanas Made In USA are manufactured by us with high quality fabrics and in an automated fashion. Our bandanas are square, soft and consistent in high quality. If we run out of a color that our customers want, we don’t have to wait for the boat to arrive with more, we just make more in our factory. You can communicate easily with us and most orders are turned around in under two weeks.
If you are interested in custom bandanas made in the United States, please consider giving us a call (908) 806-8337 or email us today.

Custom Printed Bandanas Made In USA