Edge To Edge Bandana Printing
Have you ever wanted your own custom made bandana? Going to stores to look for a unique bandana is hard, considering most of the prints are the same type and style. You can now get your own edge to edge bandana printing done in a blink of an eye at AMBRO Manufacturing. These will make great party favors or gifts at a company picnic.
We are a screen printing and embroidery company that works a lot with oversized printing. We can print your design or your company’s logo from edge to edge so that it will look like the whole fabric was pre made with the design on it. There are two ways we can make this happen.
Edge To Edge Bandana Printing
We can screen print up to three colors on the bandana with our water based inks, which will have a lighter feel on the bandana. Any more colors than that and the bandana will start to feel heavy since there is more ink being laid onto the actual fabric. The other way we can create edge to edge printing is with sublimation. With this type of printing we can get a range of all the colors without any hitch. A couple things to keep in mind when using sublimation is that the bandana must be white and 100% polyester. This will guarantee the print will be nice and bright with the colors. The image you choose must be high resolution so that there won’t be any blurriness to the final print.
Come to AMBRO Manufacturing to get your edge to edge bandana printing done today. You can give us a call any time at (908) 806 8337 or you can email us and we will have one of our sales representatives get back to you with anything you may need to know about this type of printing.
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Edge To Edge Bandana Printing