Foil Stamping
Are you looking to create your very own customized Christmas cards? Maybe you want to take your business card and make it look high end? Now you can do all of this with foil stamping. With foil stamping you can take any plan old ordinary card or even a t-shirts and give it some pizazz. You want to make something go from dull and boring and really bring it to life hot stamping is what you need. Foil stamping takes anything and brings it to the next level. You will not be disappointed when getting hot stamping done!
Foil Stamping
When you do hot stamping you would use the same machine you use to do embossing and debossing. With this machine you will want to have a die created with your logo so that when stamping with the foil it will stamp your logo onto the item you are having hot stamped. When you are ready to start foil stamping you will want to turn your stamping machine on and bring it up to temperature and make sure that the pressure is set to the proper amount for what you are hot stamping. Once you have done all this you may go ahead and start hot stamping.
If you feel as if you need someone to do the hot stamping for you AMBRO Manufacturing would love to do it! AMBRO Manufacturing has just recently started doing Embossing, debossing, and foil stamping and we are loving every minute of it. We would love to help you out with your hot stamping jobs that you need done. So why don’t you give us a call (908) 806-8337 or email us and we can talk all about the hot stamping process and what you would like to have hot stamped and even what you want your foil stamping to look like.
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