Plastisol Screen Printing
Although screen printing is used very commonly to create custom garments, many people don’t realize that you can use different inks to achieve different results. For example, did you know that a lot of screen printing is done with plastisol ink? Plastisol screen printing is very common because the type of ink used is easy to work with, affordable, and best of all, any excess ink can be reclaimed for future use!
Plastisol screen printing is like cruise control for printing because it’s been around for so long. Plastisol inks don’t contain a solvent, but rather they need to be heated to a specific temperature to cure and solidify. Once it has reached the required temperature the necessary chemical reactions happen within the ink that sets it in place. This attribute is a key reason as to why plastisol screen printing is more cost effective for some! Since the ink won’t dry up in the screen, you don’t have to worry about your ink expiring while trying to run a job and more importantly, you can collect any extra and use it for later.
Plastisol Screen Printing
Of course, plastisol screen printing isn’t the only option, but it all depends on what your needs are. Another popular method is using water based and discharge printing inks which are thinner and lighter than plastisol, but they’ve got their own set of positives and negatives. Water based inks cannot be reclaimed as they contain a solvent, most often water, and they can dry up in the screen if you don’t use them quickly. You won’t have to worry about all of that though if you come to AMBRO Manufacturing for your custom printing. Our team is here to provide assistance as needed while you create your very own custom garments! If you would like to contact us to place an order, or to find out more about our company and services, you can reach us by email or by giving us a call at (908) 806-8337.
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Plastisol Screen Printing