Screen Printing on Clothing
Sometimes we get so used to seeing something that we take it for granted. We assume we know how it works, when sometimes we’re really just guessing. For example, screen printing on clothing: how much do you really know about it? I mean, you can find it present just about anywhere so you would probably be able to easily identify it, but do you know the process? If you ever wanted to become a custom garment decorator, it really helps to know how screen printing works so that you can best set yourself up for screen printing success!
Screen Printing on Clothing
Screen printing on clothing is not a new development; it has been around in various forms for quite some time now. The basic idea is to apply custom artwork to a garment using a colored ink and silk mesh screens. Each screen has to have an image or parts of an image burned into the leak-proof emulsion coating the mesh. Once the design has been burned in, the screen is much like a sophisticated stencil. All of the screens needed for the design, one screen per color, are then mounted onto a printing press so that the image can be applied. One by one, each screen is laid over the garment; a pass of colored ink is applied over the screen and by the last screen, the full artwork is realized on the garment.
Screen printing on clothing is easier than you think as long as you working with the right printing company. At AMBRO Manufacturing, we keep open lines of communication throughout the entire process, so don’t get overwhelmed. Our team is always ready to help you out with any questions and help guide you to the custom screen printing you’ve been dreaming of. You can contact us to place an order, or to find out more about us, by email or by calling us at (908) 806-8337.
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Screen Printing On Clothing