Flemington, NJ, 08822 ,USA
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Discharge Screen Printing Process

Discharge Screen Printing Process

Discharge Screen Printing Process

If you love wearing old style shirts or shirts that have a texture in the design, then you will love what we call discharge screen printing. Go to any other screen printing company and they may not be able to offer this kind of service to you.  The Discharge Screen Printing Process is simply amazing.

Here at AMBRO Manufacturing, we offer a wide range of services among the discharge screen printing process. Here is a little information about exactly what goes into the discharge screen printing process. First of all, discharge screen printing is meant for very dark colored shirts like black. When printing with discharge ink it will remove the dye of the shirt, almost like when you bleach a colored shirt and it has light areas in it. The design will remove the ink of the shirt and you will see a “bleached out” version of the design. You can also make a discharge print have color by adding colored additives to the discharge agent.

Discharge Screen Printing Process

The end result is a nice soft print that you can hardly feel the ink on the shirt, and also it yields a nice vintage old look. Many people are starting to lean towards using water based or discharge ink because of the soft feel of the shirt with a design printed on it. Using this process really shows up nice when there are intricate designs in the artwork you provide.

Stop by our showroom to actually see what the discharge screen printing process produces. We have samples for you to get up close and really feel what it is like. You can give us a call any time at (908) 806 8337 or email us and we will have one of our sales representatives get back to you with anything you may need to know about the discharge screen printing process.

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Discharge Screen Printing Process

Discharge Screen Printing Process