Flemington, NJ, 08822 ,USA
+001 1 (908) 806-8337

Monogrammed Towels and Embroidered Towels

Monogrammed Towels
Monogrammed Towels

Monogrammed Towels

Monogrammed Towels

Adding embroidery or monograms to towels can be a great way to provide personalized gifts at a reasonable price.  Towels are inexpensive when purchased blank and for a few extra dollars, you can add a monogram or embroidered name to spice up your gift.  Towels give a regal and elegant look to an otherwise drab and boring gift.  Everyone likes seeing their name or initials on things, and monogrammed or embroidered towels are no different.

If you are looking for a great give-away item for customers, athletes or family members, embroidered towels can be done quickly and inexpensively.  Multiple color threads can be used along with other design elements, to make your towel really pop.

If you live locally in Flemington, NJ and you want to bring your towels down to get them monogrammed, come on down!  If you don’t live in Flemington, that’s cool too, there is a great company called FedEx and UPS that we can use to get monogrammed towels to you! 🙂

We work with a great supplier called Terry Town to provide high quality towels at reasonable rates.

For more information, please contact Darren at 908-806-8337 ext-112 or darren @ special-ts.com.