Screen Printing on Metal
Have you ever wondered how to do screen printing on metal? Maybe you had no idea that your basic contract screen printer can do screen printing on metal. Well here is how screen printing on metal works.
First things first to start screen printing on metal it must be clean and dry. To remove grease and grime from the metal surface you will be screen printing on you must your alcohol and the rough side of a sponge. When screen printing on metal it is easiest to print on light colors and flat surfaces. After you do all of that you will need to apply a layer of Polyurethane with a sponge brush. This process will seal the surface of the metal and will prevent the metal from rusting. But before printing on your metal you must let the Polyurethane dry completely.
Screen Printing on Metal
At this point you will want to take your design and print out a film so you can burn your screen. Once your screens are burned with your design you will be able to start screen printing on metal. Now at this point you will need to properly align your screen with your metal that you will be printing on. Once your screen is properly lined up with your metal you will need to place a layer of your desired color for your design onto the tops of the screen. Now you will want to take your squeegee and evenly spread the ink across your design. Once that is all said and done you will need to let your screen printed metal dry.
So now that you know a thing or two on Screen printing on metal let’s get you started! Give us a call (908) 806-8337 or send us an email if you have any more questions or if you want to start a project.
Screen Printing On Metal