Screen Printing With Water Based Ink
If you are looking to get screen printing and you are looking to get little to no hand on your garment then you will want to do screen printing with water based ink. When screen printing with water based ink not only do you get a super soft hand, but you also get an awesome look that is environmentally friendly as well. You can also mix any pantone color that you would like with water based inks. Water based inks truly are amazing.
One of the major advantages of water based acrylic inks is that they have little to no feeling. In the screen printing industry, this is often referred to as “no hand” where the inks can’t be felt or have a very light feel to them. This type of printing is typically desirable for most decorations.
Screen Printing With Water Based Ink
Screen printing with water based ink is really great when you are looking to do an all over print on a t –shirt. If you think about it plastisol inks are heavy and would weight a shirt down, but with water basked ink it would feel as if there is nothing on the shirts. With plastisol ink you would feel like you are wearing a bullet proof vest. But with water based inks the shirt would feel very breathable and light. You will love when you choose to do screen printing with water based ink because of how incredible it truly is. But don’t just take my word for it, go ahead and order some screen printing with water based ink and see for yourself.
If you don’t know where you can get screen printing with discharge or acrylic inks done I will tell you, and that is at AMBRO Manufacturing. AMBRO Manufacturing will make all of your screen printing dreams come true with screen printing with water based ink. So if you’re not afraid to try new things give us a call at (908) 806-8337 and we can tell you more about screen printing with water based ink. Or if you are ready to place an order please email us with all the information of what exactly you are looking for.
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Screen Printing With Water Based Ink