Screen Printing on Fabric
Have you heard of custom screen printing on fabric before? If you haven’t it’s only because no one has pointed it out to you before because you can see screen printing on fabric practically anywhere you go, it’s just that common! Why is screen printing so common? It’s a quick and simple way to transform a regular garment into a custom piece of art, that’s why! With just a little bit of creativity and a good idea, you can get your own custom screen printed clothing from us at AMBRO Manufacturing!
Screen Printing on Fabric
Screen printing, if you’re brand new to the process, is a method of custom decoration that uses silk screens that are coated with a waterproof emulsion to apply colored inks to an item. Screen printing is pretty similar regardless of what substrate it’s going on, but there are some crucial differences. For screen printing on fabric you need to consider what type of material you’re printing on as well as how well the item will take the drying and curing process for the ink. Of course, you won’t actually be figuring that out because that’s our job at AMBRO Manufacturing to take care of!
With our expertise you can expect top quality, professional printing regardless of your order size. We are a unique company in that we provide our services to individuals seeking custom printing or companies who need bulk printing done. You can come to us to start your company and stick with us as you continue to grow! Our team is always available to answer any questions you might have, so don’t feel overwhelmed. You can easily contact us to place an order for custom screen printing on fabric, or to find out more about our company and services, by email or by giving us a call at (908) 806-8337.
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Screen Printing on Fabric