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Scented T-shirts | Custom Scented Clothing

AMBRO Manufacturing is a large contract screen printing company on the east coast. Based in New Jersey, we serve customers all over the United States, Mexico and Canada. In an effort to always provide new and innovative technologies to improve the needs of our customers, AMBRO Manufacturing seeks out high quality partners that enhance our capabilities.

Working with DuraScent®, a leader in sensory and scent marketing technology, AMBRO can offer our customers Scented T-Shirts, Custom Scented Clothing and a wide range of Aroma Marketing and Scent Marketing T-Shirts and Fabrics.

Scented T-Shirts | Custom Scented Clothing are more than just a novelty, they can give any marketing campaign the extra boost it needs to be different and memorable. Scent and Memory are strongly linked together, think about smelling a perfume on a crowded subway that reminds you of an old girlfriend, or smelling a cooking pat of pasta sauce that reminds you of your grandmother. Scent is a powerful marketing link.

With Scented T-shirts | Custom Scented Clothing | Aroma Marketing | Scent Marketing techniques, you can launch your campaign and lock in a brand with the power of scent.

Patrick Watson, inventor and at the head of R&D for DuraScent® has developed capabilities that enable us to print with virtually any scent. Here are a few possibilities to consider, your imagination is the limit.

Scented T-shirts | Custom Scented Clothing | Aroma Marketing | Scent Marketing

Imagine … a chocolate company like Hershey or Godiva that is launching a new dark chocolate truffle. Their advertising agency has worked out their social media strategy, launched a new website, created marketing campaigns to get the word out. What if … they could have an image of their new product on the front of a t-shirt, a cloth banner or a table cloth and the image smelled like dark chocolate !! This is possible with Scented T-Shirts | Custom Scented Clothing.

Imagine … a large consumer goods company is getting ready to launch a new campaign that features an environmentally friendly and organic baby powder. Their marketing firm has television lined up, radio adds, twitter campaigns an the like. They are also stationing people at select retail stores with coupons and offers. What if … they could be handing out scented t-shirts, scented baby bibs or scented cloth diapers that all have the scent of baby powder !! This is possible with Scented T-Shirts | Custom Scented Clothing.

Imagine … a candle company is launching a new vanilla scented candle and they are promoting the product across the U.S. Each of their niche retailers will receive a display to promote the candles with encouraging notes for prospective customers to lift the lid and take a whiff. What if … the employees in the store could be wearing branded Polo Shirts, with a classy embroidered logo that represents the candle company and their polos had a faint scent of vanilla !! This is possible with Scented T-Shirts | Custom Scented Clothing.

Scented T-shirts | Custom Scented Clothing | Aroma Marketing | Scent Marketing provides an unlimited array of possibilities for helping to lock in your customers or prospective customers attention. Once you tie a customers memory to a scent to your brand, you’ve got a long term and loyal customer.

How does it work ?

The best way to describe how this technology works is to consider bubble wrap. First we screen print just like we normally would, and then for the final step in the process we put a clear and shiny top coat of scent on top of portions of the design or the entire design, depending on the application requirements. This final coat is like a microscopic layer of bubble wrap that is filled with the chosen scent. This layer is clear and does not effect the color of the design. It is however a satin finish and will add a shine to the area of the garment that it is applied. 

The scent is released through normal wear of the garment, these microscopic bubbles burst and the scent is revealed.  Scented garments with last for approximately 20 washes at which point they just become a regular unscented garment.

Check out the video !

Scented T-Shirt Printing Stock Scent List

Floral Musk, Vanilla, Coffee, Fresh Linen, Mesquite, Patchouli, Beer, Strawberry, Coconut, Raspberry, Cotton Candy, Root Beer, Cherry, Plumeria, Rose, Hot Dog, Leather, Oregano, Chocolate, Cedar, Ocean, Bacon, Pizza, Marajuana, Race Fuel, Pine, Tropical, Mango, Wine