Shirt Embroidery
If you are looking to make a statement in a classy way, you will want to go with shirt embroidery. With shirt embroidery you will look great and professional. When you choose to do shirt embroidery you don’t always have to do embroidery on a polo shirt. If you are a lady like me who does not like to wear polos you can get yourself a nice professional looking top and still have it embroidered and still look great.
Shirt Embroidery
AMBRO Manufacturing can supply you with quality embroidered shirt. We charge by stitch for embroidery not by color, so by all means go ahead and have a rainbow embroidered. All we would need from you is what shirts you would like to have embroidered and in what color. You also can supply your own shirts for embroidery as well. Once we have figured out what shirt you would like and who will be supplying the shirts you can go ahead and send us your design that you would like to have embroidered. If you already have your logo digitized that is great, if you do not we can do that for you for a small fee and we will keep it on file forever for you. We have you logo we will just to need to know what thread colors you would like to use for your embroidery. Once we have all of that we can go ahead and start the embroidery process.
If you want quality embroidery you are going to want to come to AMBRO Manufacturing. You will absolutely love your shirt embroidery from us. If you would like to use us for your shirt embroidery please give us a ring at (908) 806-8337 or send us an email with all of your information and we can get right back to you.
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