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Tag: AMBRO Manufacturing

USLMRA Announces the opening of their online store!

Bruce Kaufman, Founder of the US Lawn Mower Racing Association, released the following video to announce the opening of their online store! You can view the video here. Or you can visit their online store: www.customstoreonline.com/uslmra.

Twitter, AMBRO and you…..

Here at AMBRO Manufacturing (and it’s family of companies, Special-T’s and Customstoreonline.com) we love to hear from our customers via Social Networks, especially Twitter. On occasion we see interesting, and sometimes funny Tweets sent to companies, and we want to share them with you. For example: While there is nothing funny about the Chicken Nugget…
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Senior Texting Shirt Design

In an effort to reach out to the Senior Citizen Community, AMBRO Manufacturing offers this new shirt design. If you are interested in purchasing one,  they are $19.99 each and can be ordered by visiting www.customstoreonline.com/oversteer. Customstoreonline.com is AMBRO’s online retail store. All orders are processed on the 15th and last day of each month.…
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Princeton Day School – Secret Garden Update

All Princeton Day School -Secret Garden orders are sorted, bagged and tagged. A PDS parent will picking the orders up and delivering them to the school.

The Office (not the hit NBC/BBC tv series) tour!

A brief tour of our office can be found on our Facebook page.