Discharge Printing on Polyester
Screen printing on garments can be a lot of fun, but there are some traps you’ll want to avoid if you’re looking for the best results. There are so many ways to customize garments because not every garment is created the same. Some methods work better on some select fabrics while performing poorly on others. For example, discharge printing on polyester, can it be done?
Discharge Printing on Polyester
The quick and easy answer to this question is, no you cannot do discharge printing on polyester. But let’s talk about discharge printing and you’ll see why. Discharge printing, in a nutshell, is silk screen printing done with a water based ink that contains a discharge agent. What the discharge agent is responsible for is removing the existing color from the garment so that a new color can be applied. The catch is that the garment must be cotton. The discharge agent is unable to affect synthetic fibers in any way, so you won’t be able to do discharge printing on polyester garments.
So, what happens if you are dead-set on polyester garments but you want that discharge printing look and feel? At AMBRO Manufacturing, we can offer you screen printing with acrylics! This is another type of water based ink screen printing that doesn’t require a cotton garment to work, so you can have a comparable print on the material you want! Like I mentioned at the start, there are a tremendous amount of options in the garment decorating industry, so you can find what works for you. At AMBRO Manufacturing we can offer you many of those varied services, so you won’t have to go to other companies. If you are interested in placing an order, or you want to find out more about us, you can contact us by email or by calling us at (908) 806-8337.
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Discharge Printing on Polyester