Dye Sublimation
The process of Dye Sublimation is a fairly simple process, but does require industrial equipment and know how. Not all Dye Sublimation companies are created equally. AMBRO Manufacturing has been providing garment, textile and fabric decoration services for over 30 years. Our expertise in Dye Sublimation will help to ensure that your project gets completed on time and within budget, every time.
Dye Sublimation
All Dye Sublimation projects start at the computer. Graphic artists and designers work together to create the design work for your custom sublimation job. Once the design is determined, the artwork is output on custom transfer medium that is placed on the garment and heated with pressure to transfer the design to the garment.
Unlike screen printing that places inks on top of the garments, Dye Sublimation uses heat to fuse the design work directly into the fibers of the material. The result is a brilliantly colored design that has crisp edges and photo realistic properties.
Dye Sublimation is mostly done in cut and sew environments, but recently with advances in Dye Sublimation technologies, companies like AMBRO Manufacturing have been custom sublimation printing on existing items like T-Shirts, Hoodies and other garments. While the process is not as precise as when using cut and sew, the results are still fantastic.
Some issues occur when sublimating on existing garments. These issues center around folds in the fabric that can’t be avoided that result in white areas of “un-sublimated” garment in areas that will crease unavoidably. These areas tend to be near seams and under the arm pits. When sublimating in a cut and sew environment, fabric panels that haven’t yet been attached to each other are far easier to sublimate without any blank areas.
If you are interested in a Dye Sublimation project, please consider giving us a call (908) 806-8337 or email us.