Screen Printed Shirts Online
Designing a t-shirt can seem like a hassle! When we barely have time to do our normal daily actives, how are we supposed to find the time to create a t-shirt? Weather your looking for new uniforms for a sports team or you need a unique party favor for the kid’s birthday party, no one these days has time to spare! At AMBRO Manufacturing we have solved that problem. We have created a Screen Printed Shirts Online program that simplifies the t-shirt creating process. On our website www.special-ts.com we have a link in the top right corner that says shirt designer. If you click on that link you will be brought to easy way to create a t-shirt.
Screen Printed Shirts Online
You can start by picking the item of clothing you wish to work with. It doesn’t even have to be a t-shirt. We have everything from sweatshirts to signs and banners. The next option is choosing a color for your garment. We have a plethora to choose from. You can either pick some clipart that we have neatly organized for you or you can download your own images. You can even add your own text if you wanted! We can do printing on the front and back of your garment. You can choose to do a Front left piece or you can create a full front image but that’s completely up to you. If you were creating new uniforms, we can even apply vinyl names and numbers on the back.
AMBRO Manufacturing is a family owned and operated business. We are located in the heart of Hunterdon county New Jersey. We are a contract screen printing and embroidery company that specializes in creating custom masterpieces for you. We have a knowledgeable and dedicated staff that can help answer questions that you might have. So don’t hesitate to call (908)-806-2017 or email us at or shoot us an email using the boxes below. We will be waiting to hear from you.
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Screen Printed Shirts Online